This week is one of the long weeks, so Garret and I were determined to spend some quality time together. We tried going to charity shops in Brandon, but that was a bust.....the 2 we know of closed at 1 (they normally close at 4). So we decided that since we hadn't gotten our ashes yet, it would be okay to eat some soup at Emily's (I was on my third rotation from tummy grumbles). She had yummy lentil soup which neither of us had had in a while. Then we went to the charity shops where we found a cute little midnight blue dress and a braided leather belt (for my waist belts collection).
Last night we sat down and watched Fireproof. I must say we both enjoyed it, I think any couple that has been together for a few years can attest to ups and downs of a relationship, and how easy it is to just stop really seeing the other person and pursuing them the way you do when you're starting to date. My review of the movie is as follows: I am not sure if the actors (outside the adorable Kirk Cameron, of course) were bad or if the writing was just that bland, but it's one of those.....however there are some great lines: Caleb and his friend Michael are discussing marriage and Caleb (Cameron) says, "Marriage isn't fireproof, sometimes you get burned." And Michael responds that "Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." Basically the movie was pretty good (we both liked it enough to watch most of the special features). I would recommend seeing it, even if you are not Christian......I think the message of having to work at love is universal.
Now on to the pics....

My outfit for Ash Wednesday: Grey blue top from Gap, it's a size too big, but I am not bothering to send it back, I just belt it and will keep it around for the future days when we are ready to become more than puppy parents.

I was having a fairly good hair day for not even trying. I got this beaded black headband at Bhs here in the's thin and cute.

Garret wore a button down with dark and pale grey stripes......we matched without being matchy.....and we were both ashy for Wednesday!

This is the town hall in Brandon. Isn't it cute?

An adorable little old fashioned green grocer we found.....they didn't have anything we were particularly needing, but I just had to take a pic!

I snapped a pic of Garret as we were walking on one of the main roads.

These are the best bananas in the whole world! They are fairtrade organic, and each one is about the length of my hand.

I am so that American who eats her produce (or fresh bread) in the car because she cannot wait until she gets home.....sometimes I get weird looks, sometimes drooling looks of envy.

This is my funniest pic ever. We had to go to the base pass office because I had accidentally left mine at home. As we were walking back to the car Garret started laughing and told me I had to come back to where he was and look in the window. I think if you click on the pic you will be able to see it clearly, but apparantly someone who works there has my name (or they named the microwave Kalee), either way it's the first time I found anyone with my name spelled the same.....and the sign says "Don't Touch Kalee." GREAT!

Proof that we did in fact actually attend Ash Wednesday services. It was Garret's first time, and I have to say the mass wasn't half bad. Well, except me being weirded out because I left my rings off at home (I take them off in the kitchen a lot) and I felt like a wanton woman with a married man, and was mildly concerned the other parishioners would think so too!

Our delicious dinner last night. We kept it light to keep with the fasting thing. I sauteed up 1/2 of a large Spanish onion, and then put that under the salmon, topped the salmon with dijon and sea salt and baked. Then I put salad on a plate, lined the edge of the plate with rocket (yes, I made it very full on purpose....I thought it looked pretty, and I didn't want the tomatoes getting hot and wilting) and then topped that with a small tomato. The onions went on the center lettuce, then salmon on top. No dressing, everything was flavorful and didn't need it!

This was the dress we bought at the charity shop for 6 pounds (about 9 dollars). It still had the tags and the little bag with straps attached. The pic doesn't show it well, but it's a really pretty midnight blue satin, I added my belt, and a blue grey scarf. Excuse the look on my face, I had just woken up and wanted to try it on with accessories! My favorite part is the neckline, it kind of dips and reminds me of vintage dresses.

This was me right before I began this post, chowing down on some rocket. I have to say I love the peppery taste and it isn't unusual to see me with a bag or bowl of it just munching.
This little break in our week was a good time, we actually focused on us rather than everything else going on right now. And we found out last night that March 5th (a week from today) will be a very special day......WE'RE GETTING MARRIED! Okay, technically we are legally married (we even got married in *gasp* a Protestant church) but Garret it becoming Catholic (he'll be baptized and confirmed Easter weekend) and apparantly that won't happen unless we convalidate our marriage. Basically we have to have the marriage validated as a sacrament in the Catholic church.....I love my church, but damn is it picky! I have a pretty little dress, and our whole class will be our witnesses, so hopefully I can convince someone to take pics.
Now, onto a very important question.....does anyone have a good recipe for lentil soup? I am desperate, about to bribe Jacqui (the owner of Emily's) for her recipe, but thought I would appeal to everyone else first. If you have one, please e-mail me!!!
Kalee, congratulations on your upcoming 'wedding'! Lentil soup - I don't have an exact recipe, this is what I do: make chicken stock (bones(cooked and/or raw), veggies and water, whole peppercorns, fennel seeds (tsp), bay leaf in a slow cooker for 4 hours on high); when that's ready, if you strain and leave it in the fridge overnight, you can lift off the fat. Saute an onion in olive oil, add chopped celery and carrot, plus crushed garlic. Rinse at least a cup of red lentils (depending on how thick you like your soup), add to pan. If you like, add a can of chopped tomatoes. Then add the stock and bring to the boil. Simmer until veggies and lentils are soft. You can blend it or leave it chunky, as you like. I often add a dash of Lea and Perrins as seasoning during cooking. Patricia