I completely forgot to do a post about the fact that I, Kalee, who never wins a damn thing, won a lamp from a giveaway on This Young House!!! It's a bamboo lamp, it's hella cute and I won! The lamp is from Shades of Light.
When I found out from Sherry of This Young House that I had won I did a crazy hop around the house "I won a lamp dance!" which was mildly ridiculous, but please I very rarely win anything, I am just not that randomly lucky girl. My husband had no clue what was going on and started laughing at me, until he realized I had won something we could possibly use in our new home once we move back the US, and then he was pretty giddy too! (to justify his giddyness, it must be noted that we are both slightly obsessed with home buying and home renovating and decorating currently)
So, currently it will be soon (if not already) on it's way to my maman's house, where she will keep it safe (I hope). She did ask me if it got there and she liked it if she could have it (I think she implied hiding it from me) to which I replied she wouldn't like it (because she wouldn't, it's too modern). At the word modern I sensed her back down. I have very traditional tastes, with more modern thrown in as I get older. I like to call it warm modern. My mother is the woman whose home is quite a bit opposite of how I plan to decorate mine. It's not bad, it's just not me (well, the fake flowers drive me nuts, always have, and I hate paisley, but I digress).
Anyhoo, Shades of Light seems to have furniture and rugs as well. I am definately loving the patterns such as here and here. And I am loving these rugs seen here and here. Oooh, I love patterns to liven up a room (since we tend to stick to neutrals). Oooh! And they have mirrored furniture....I have been really feeling love for the art deco pieces lately!
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