Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It' Been Real Fun

But I am so ready to be home with G!  He took off Thursday and Friday so that we have a 4 day weekend together, and I am so appreciative of that.  We're hoping to maybe get to D.C. again this weekend (wearing more practical shoes this time!).  He's also planned a lo key date night for us tomorrow evening.

I have loved being home with my family.  I've been lucky enough to spend a bit of quality time with each of them.  My Grandmama and I spent yesterday afternoon just sitting around chatting.  Nice, relaxing, with a bit of madness thrown in.  (large families always seem to have a bit of madness) 

I went away to be able to see my family.  Before I left G and I had begun workng on things, so I wasn't leaving to leave him.  In fact I didn't want to go.  But it gave us both time to think and figure some things out.  G has been figuring out how to clean up after himself, and I've been figuring out how to not check up on him so much.  He's going to make mistakes for sure, and I'm going to have to let him. 

I also learned that as little as I sometimes think I do with my day, I'm busier than I think.  Being home and not being able to really sit and do research and write (my computer is with G) has been odd.  And while I do read a lot of blogs and catch up with shows during the day, a lot of time doing those things has caused me to pause at something and think, sometimes applying it to my own life, sometimes tucking it away for writing later.  It's been nice to have afternoons where I have nothing to do, but it has helped me figure out that realistically I do more than I think.  And I need that.

This vacation has made me so thankful for my life.  I like being in charge of my own home.  I like having a schedule.  And I love my husband!  I'm hoping he continues to bring me coffee in bed, because short of the morning I was at the hotel, I haven't had coffee in the mornings at all!  And that, dear friends, is madness!

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