Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Un Café

This morning, after having trouble sleeping due to sore muscles, my wonderful husband started coffee before he woke me up.  As I hopped in the shower he poured the water into our French press and had coffee waiting for me when I got out.  I even snapped a pic!
( I actually snapped the pic because heavens to betsy my hair actually went up in a knot with a tiny clip.  This never happens, the humidity must help.)

BistroChic did a great post today on coffee and how to order one in France.  I've been trying really hard to stick to a more European schedule when it comes to coffee, in order to save my stomach (the acids in coffee can be a bit harsh).  This for me means café au lait in the mornings, with a wee bit of sugar.  And then in the afternoon perhaps an espresso and then a coffee after dinner.  It's hard because I love coffee and could drink it all day if I let myself (such as this weekend cleaning).  I have found that I enjoy it more when it's a special thing in my day rather than just something I drink all day.  And in this hot weather I really need to be drinking more water!

I won't criticize anyone for their coffee choices.  I have a friend whom I am pretty sure has a frappuccino dependency, if not an outright addiction.  Myself, those are too sweet and make me nauseated.  I also understand that espressos can take some getting used to (and I admit fully to adding a petite amount of sugar to them).  But try a Turkish or Greek coffee and espresso will seem completely smooth and mild!  I used to be the girl who put 5-6 sugars in one cup of coffee, along with cream.  I now put maybe one, and at Carma's it's so nice I don't put any.  

But more than what you drink it how you drink it.  You should enjoy the coffee, take in it's flavor and it's caffeine.  Enjoy the heat and the sense of a calm moment.  To rush anything to do with food or drink is a no no in our home, and something we try to actively avoid.  This morning G was gulping down his coffee so he could go pack up our lunch while I got dressed and I stopped him.  I asked if he was enjoying it.  He shook his head.  So I suggested he take it back downstairs with him to drink while putting the lunch together rather than trying to finish it off beforehand.  Not ideal, but more enjoyable at least!  And don't we all deserve to begin our day with a little joie de vivre?


  1. That is a good idea to take time to enjoy the fundamental things in life that sometimes get mundane.

  2. I must be your "friend" who has the frap addiction! It's not something I'm proud of, believe me! I would love to hear more about Turkish/Greek coffee. Have you written about it before or do you plan on writing about it in the near future?

  3. It's coffee day in blog land! I will check out bistro chic's blog to read her post. The Closet Therapist posted on Starbucks today. I adore the smell of coffee beans and coffee brewing but don't care for the taste all that much, unless it's a cafe creme. I feel kind of left out because everyone drinks it. I think it's the acidity that I don't like.

  4. Kalee, you still look gorgeous even if you didn't sleep well. I love myself strong smooth coffee too. But when we went to France, I wasn't that adventous other than cafe au lait! Dork huh?!I surely do enjoy it more when I don't have to drink it all day long:) Haven't tried either Turkish or Greek. I think you should write about it, too.
