The first award is a Friends Award.
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
And the second:
Honest Scrap award:
A) First list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
10 Honest Things About Me
1. I am turning 25 in about 2 months, have been married for nearly 2 years, and I feel like I am just now really trusting myself enough to figure me out.
2. I really love cats, but their litterbox issue drives me nuts......thank God G loves them more than I do.....enough to take care of that part when we get one!
3. This past May (actually May 5th, our anniversary) I took a long luxurious bath while G chatted with me, and then got out, decided my hair was finally driving me too crazy (it was all the way down my back) and chopped into in, cutting off a good 6 inches (with G's help).....then I tried to do long bangs....never again, I ended up getting it (kinda) fixed after crying at the hair place.
4. I really love expensive things (shoes, dresses, wine) but I hate seeing our account take a hit, so I rarely allow myself a big splurge. I get huge buyer's regret no matter how much I love the item.
5. I once asked Garret if he got a tattoo would he ever get my name tattood.....he told me it was bad juju, so no. I pouted and asked if maybe after we had been married 10 years? He said he would think about it, that that might be long enough. Eight more years to go!
6. One of my best friends once said she thought I would be a Martha Stewart Stepford Wife when I grew up....I'm working on it.
7. I am secretly addicted to sites like perezhilton......I tried to give it up this month.....I made it 2 weeks and then had to back-read everything. In my defense, I skim and look at the pics more than anything.
8. I am even more addicted to reality t.v. The Hills, The City, The Real Housewives (all of them), America's Next Top Model, Hell's Kitchen, Project Runway....etc. Even worse is I get my husband addicted to!
9. After watching said reality shows, I tend to feel like I have lost braincells (with some of them), and with a few I tend to talk differently after, which isn't always a good thing.
10. I absolutely hate PB&J....always have, always will. I try and taste G's when he makes one, and I always get this disgusted look on my face. Give me PB with honey, but jelly is just wrong!
And now for who to give it to: Women whose blogs I adore (and many have been helpful whenever I had a question)
1. Stephanie: Adventures In Babywearing
2. Michelle: Bleeding Espresso
3. Chic Mummy
4. Freckles Chick
5. PBW: Forty Is The New Twenty
6. La Belette Rouge
7. Riana: These Days In French Life
8. Deja Pseu: Une Femme D'Un Certain Age
And for all the lurkers and people who occasionally leave comments: Please e-mail me or comment with 1 or 10 things about yourself!!! I would love to hear at least one thing from everyone!
Congrats to you!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd, wow! Thank you!! I am delighted and honoured and I have to tell you I am loving your blog. I would love to add you to my blog roll and would love to be on yours. Let me know if that is okay.:-)
Thank you! How sweet of you. And you just reminded me- WHEN is the new Project Runway?? That is my favorite show ever.
Grazie bella! And congrats on your well-deserved awards :)