So tonight G and I went to pick up an old side table that I am sanding down and probably painting. It will be a long process, but the table was free (thanks to a person from our local freecycle), and in the end it might just end up in our closet to hold shoes or purses. But it's a fun project for me to take on before I begin dealing with more special furniture.

I also have begun sanding the paint off of the recipe box I got from my grandmother. It had quite a bit of rust on the bottom from being so old, and as I am sanding off (I took pics of the before so I can try and recreate the writing and flowers on it, maybe doing a blue and white version) I found it's steel, and looks so pretty. So perhaps I will keep it just the steel and lacquer it to keep it from rusting.
And then later this week G and I will be driving and picking up a tea trolley I won on ebay for 5 pounds (less than 10 dollars). I am whoa excited since I am planning on painting it and lacquering it until it gleams. The goal is to possibly use it as a drinks trolley in the living room with a decanter and whatnot.
The sanding and lifting boxes and moving things is a good stress reliever, which I desperately need right now before I decide G needs to be dropped in the Thames with cement blocks. So that is what I'm up to. Packing, stress sanding, oh, and baking! But that's a post of a different color!
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