Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's Slowly Coming Together

I figure over the course of the next year our home might be semi-finished.  I've asked G to do research on some carpentry work I want him to do, we've ordered a rug that I am hoping will be perfect in our sitting room, and I'm debating fabrics to recover some furniture that will be here in the spring.  We've also been very lucky in things that have been given to us or we've been able to buy inexpensively.  So I thought I would share a few things that are working their way into fitting into our home.  (and yes, I totally sat things on top of our clothes on the drying rack, because that was where the sun was, and as soon as I was finished it went away, so I moved quickly!)

This beautiful cross was a Christmas gift from G's parents. 

When G's dad found out how much we love blue glass he gave this to us, it was my father-in-law's great grandmother's and currently is sitting in our china cabinet where I can see it every day! (his father was born in the 40's so it's easy to say it's very old!) 

This is a chair I got off of craigslist.  G and I were both surprised to find it's actually an antique wooden folding chair!  I'm planning painting it a grey/white and reupholstering the seat.  

This is one of my favourite purchases ever!  It's a framed (in silvery grey and blue) oil painting.  I tried finding out more about the artist, and even found another painting by him on ebay.  But I paid $7 for this and the unstretched painting on ebay was nearly $300.  They are so similar I decided to pass and just enjoy this one!

As you can see we love old things.  We really do.  Whether something from the 1800's or something from the 1960's I love blending pieces into our home to make it uniquely ours.  Even more modern things (like acrylic trays and boxes that I must have for our home!) seem to fit in.  Thank you for those who have kept up with us on this journey.  It's slow moving right now, but gearing up to being a very busy year!

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