Thursday, January 6, 2011

Prayers Requested

So it's not a broken tailbone.  Well, I guess it was (I'm not really clear on that as I spoke with a nurse, not my doctor), but the pain is not from that.  They're thinking it's a cyst of some sort (they'll be checking out my ovaries) I think it's one they haven't mentioned (that actually forms on my tailbone and can be caused by a fall), but the good news is that either way a simple surgery should handle it.  I'm a little nervous, this week has been one medical appointment after another, and I now have an ultrasound (for the possible cyst, no joyful news here.) that is coming up.  Of course it could be worse but we're choosing to not panic (though I might have had a major panic this morning that had me on the phone hyperventilating to G who is now home and we're going out because I think staying off my tailbone sounds like a good idea).  

Anyway, we're not sure exactly what's going on, how it's going to all work out and I would appreciate all the prayers and warm thoughts I can get. 


  1. Prayers, warm thoughts and positive energy heading east!

    I know it's easy for me to say, but try not too worry too much until you get all the details. I'll be thinking of you - please let us know when you can.



  2. Oh no! I hope everything works out and you feel better soon!

  3. Prayers and positive thoughts sent your way!! xxoo

  4. I'm praying Kalee (((Hugs from across the miles))!!

  5. Thoughts and prayers heading your way, for a simple procedure that will finally give your tailbone some relief!

  6. You know our prayers are always with you. When is your next appointment? Keep us informed as to what you find out. Love you DIL!

  7. I am so sorry to hear this. I will keep you in my prayers!

  8. Will be praying for you. Ultrasounds are easy peasy, almost downright relaxing. I had one the other day. I'm sure it will all be fine.

  9. Oh, hugs!!! I miss you - we need to talk soon. xox

  10. Absolutely! You got it! I have been hearing about this cyst on the end of the spine more and more. It is a simple procedure (in/out) but nonetheless...

    Please let us know how you are doing as soon as you can.

    Thinking about you and saying lots of prayers!

    xo Cat

  11. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

  12. Father God, I lift up Kalee in prayer for complete healing and for peace for herself and her family. Guide the minds and hands of all who help her in this time of need. Amen. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Kalee. Bess

  13. OMG!!! I am so sorry. I hope you are well on the mend and all the prayers and good thoughts got to you. Much love!

  14. Coming in late on this one (as usual lately!) but I wanted to say you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope it turns out okay!
