Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Modern Technology

So our iPhones came this week and tonight we went and switched carriers and set them up.  I'm having a blast with Siri (the personal assistant app) as she seems capable of finding me anything from coffee to an escort service quite quickly (and amusingly).

The great part is that I had won an app a long while back that G uploaded to his iPad, but is now on my phone.  It's a baby app, and has a contractions timer, which I'm thinking will come in handy.  It will also be nice to have something I can search for topics on and reviews of right when I need it.  I can't tell you how many times I've realized we were a bit behind the times because we had to jot down so many things to look up once home (which is a gasoline waster, really). 

The reality is that we have a ridiculous amount of Apple products in this home.  We started with an old iPod that G had (that we subsequently lost somewhere in the move), and then expanded to an iMac laptop.  We picked me up an iPod shuffle for when I was running so much before, and G an iPad for Iraq.  And then G acquired another laptop in Iraq, and now the iPhones.  Essentially we would have been stupid to go with another type of phone, when this allows us to sync everything so easily. 

Now I'm excited to download a couple apps to help make life easier.  As I mentioned way back last February, I'm planning to get Stylebook to catalog my entire wardrobe and come up with different outfits for the days when my mama-brain isn't working but I still want to look chic.  I'm also hoping to hunt down a financial app that might allow us to see how much of each part of the budget we've spent (keeping track of cash flow, essentially).

Do you have a smart phone? Any favorite apps you would recommend?

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