Sunday, January 5, 2014

Style Sundays

In order to keep myself on track in my own life, both in the pampering way and the blogging initiative way, I've decided to take a page from Michelle at Italia Gal's book and institute Style Sundays here at Une Vie Chic.  What this means for me is anything to do with style, from beauty/hair, to entertaining with style, to decorating my home.  Anything is up for grabs really, but I want to write in a way that inspires you and myself.

So this first Style Sunday is dedicated to hair.  More importantly a shampoo and conditioner combo that I literally have been raving about.  I discovered it as a sample from Sephora, and then ordered it before Christmas as a gift to myself.  And after I've washed and blow dried my hair, I repeatedly touch it, have G touch it and say, "It's like my hair is after the salon, only every time."

I've tried buying the same shampoo that my salon uses (a pricey organic, usually Italian line....they occasionally try new ones).  But it just never works the same.  We've still yet to install the water softener in our basement and the water here is just harder than the water at the salon.  So, ultimately I end up disappointed.  When you leave the salon, your hair tends to be super silky, like butter, and I think we'd all agree it's heaven.

So, Alterna Caviar Anti-Aging Replenishing Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner ($54 for a set at Sephora...pricey, but it's concentrated and I see that lasting me months), is amazing.  It makes my thick fine hair super manageable and silky.  My hair actually has seemed healthier since using it (and I have a pretty good head of hair!).  Overall, I've been super impressed and after using it for weeks, decided to share.


Silky, delicious hair.  I make other people touch it.  Yes, yes I do.

Smells divine.

Super concentrated, so even with all of my hair, a little shampoo goes a loooonnnng way.

Formulated without parabens, sulfates, and phthalates.  I can't use things with any sort of sulfates in them because it ruins my skin quick.  So, this point is important for me. 


It's a bit pricey, definitely on par with salon brands.

The bottle twists open on top, so if you have soapy hands it can be a bit of a pain.


It contains caviar extract, so if you are vegetarian or vegan you might not want to use it.

So, if you are looking for something that will completely revitalize your hair, I recommend this.  The best part is that you can give it a try and if you don't love it, Sephora has an excellent return policy.  This is just me sharing something I love, not working with either Alterna or Sephora (though they can be free to get ahold of me anytime!).

P.S. Also got a sample of the Caviar Dry has turned out to be the perfect thing for my bangs (which always get oilier than the rest of my hair).  So, if you're looking for something for bangs, I totally recommend that too!


  1. Hard water in my zone as well, and putting a filter on my shower head has made all the difference in how my hair and skin feel and look. I have an Aquasana.

    Bonne année,

  2. I love that you're doing this! A series holds you accountable and furthermore, it makes blogging a habit which is *much* easier to stick with. Plus, since I've recently traded Style Sunday for Simple Pleasure Sunday, I look forward to reading your posts! Especially since your budget for the category seems larger than mine (as I use Suave shampoo and conditioner, purchased only when it's on sale or I have a coupon at Target at that!).
