Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I having one of those days where I just feel lazy.  I've watched some Gossip Girl, I've re-painted my nails (what can I say, I'm hard on nails).  I've eaten a Lean Cuisine ravioli meal (I like them, but I add cayenne, garlic powder, onion powder and crushed red pepper).  And I'm sipping on Perrier listening to some court case show in the background. 

The only thing I've accomplished thus far today is doing my eye make-up, since G stopped dead in his tracks last night because I'd done a simple smoky eye.  Apparently he thinks it's sexy.  So trying to be a wife he wants to come home to, I've stepped it up a notch.  

(I always get a weird deer-in-the-headlights look when I have to take a close up)

I need to pick up around the room, organize the suitcases.  But that would require leaving bed, and I'm just not sure I want to do that right this second.  

All I know is G will be home in a couple hours and rather than getting out of the hotel room, I think we'll stay in.   Pick up a couple good books and relax.  It's one of those days, and I'm completely okay with it.


  1. The eye make up looks great! Hey - here is a website with great eye make up tutorials....some of them are a bit full-on, but I love the colour ideas. I must admit I have never followed the instructions as I have my own way and I am pretty pleased and confident with how that looks, but I do like looking for the colour combinations and for new ideas. The girl on the site does her makeup on the eye-lid in the same way I do (light colour in closest to the nose, going out to darker). tell me what you think!


    Smokey Eyes: http://www.temptalia.com/tutorial-smokey-eyes-how-to

    Eye Diagram: http://www.temptalia.com/tutorial-reference-eye-diagram-parts-of-the-eye-basic-eye-makeup

    General List of all the Eye Tutorials (6 pages, keep clicking at the bottom): http://www.temptalia.com/category/tutorials/tutorials-eyes

  2. That above comment sounded a little bossy.....sorry! I have just been meaning to forward those sites to you for awhile now, after our makeup discussion (I know...I was ages ago!) so I was glad to be reminded and just had to send it to you before I forgot!!


  3. Thanks girls! J, I will have to go to those sites soon!

  4. Thanks girls! J, I will have to go to those sites soon!
