Saturday, February 27, 2010

Chalking It Up

Today we swung into the thrift store (you're not really surprised are you?) and found a chalkboard for $1.25.  I was so excited that when we got home I washed it up and wrote on it for our sitting area.  It has a couple scratches, so I think I will be painting it with some chalkboard paint soon, but for now I am pretty durn happy with it.  
I prefer a more ornate one for decorative purposes, but this one will actually eventually be for a playroom (no, no kids yet, just planning ahead of time) but for now works as a message board for us.  


  1. Ooooh! I love it! And I have SO wanted to try some chalkboard paint. You'll have to let us know how that works!

    And the quote - from one of my FAVORITE all time movies! :)

  2. It is one of my favorite movies too! And that quote has been one I've always loved!

  3. When I read that quote, I knew I've heard it somewhere. I can't remember where though. Which movie is it from? Good idea about the chalkboard paint. I'm not sure why, but I've never thought of using that to renew an old chalkboard.

  4. The movie is Ever After with Drew Barrymore, we just watched it last night in fact! Thanks for visiting the blog!

  5. That is probably my favorite movie of all time. I never wanted it to end and I could watch it over and over again. Sorry this is a late post...just catching up ;)
