Thursday, August 26, 2010

Off Track

Do you have moments where you get off track from the lifestyle you love?  Maybe it's as soon as life gets busy?  Maybe it's around certain people?  For me, it's often when I go home to visit family.  Because I see it as a vacation.  And for a long time vacation to me meant getting to do things I normally wouldn't.  Like consuming half a bag of cheetos (now you know why they're not even allowed in our house!).  Or just eating mindlessly because it's there. 

So I'm resolving that the next time we go on "vacation" (which happens to be in a couple days), we don't do this.  We don't decide that it means being lazy and thoughtless with our life.  We're picking up our CSA before we leave, so we should have plenty of veggies for healthy lunches during the day.  We're not planning on drinking much wine while we're home (since I really do need to remember that wine is not calorie free).  I'm hoping the weather permits daily walks.  I know G and I have both missed taking walks at night, something that wouldn't be smart here.  

And a very important thing is I'm not packing many options for clothes.  We're bringing my tiny suitcase (the one I packed to fly home in April), and packing carefully for the two of us.  We have to pick a few things up from home and we need the trunk space.  We are packing 2-3 small coolers for the ride home (2 are ones that belong to my parents).  That way we can make some sandwiches for the road rather than caving and hitting up fast food.  We can also cut up some veggies, bring some fruit, and also include some cold izze drinks.  We're heading out bright and early after getting a good night's sleep, so we're packing food accordingly.  We'll be stopping for coffee along the way (or hot water for tea) and enjoying the day.

How do you prepare for the moments of weakness when it comes to remaining chic? 


  1. We did the same thing on our last trip! And it was so nice to just stop (at a church playground actually to let our two-year old run around) some where pretty and outside and have a big yummy salad instead of greasy junk! I have a hard time when we travel too, I just want to get something quick and easy (and let's face it, yummy) but that greasy food is so bad for you. Hope your trip goes well and you get to eat great!

  2. Lucky for you, our neighborhood is perfect for evening walks! :)
