Thursday, October 28, 2010

G Made

I shared that G made dinner for himself Saturday night specifically so there would be leftovers and I wouldn't have to cook on Sunday.  Well, before I could take any photos, we ate it all.  Then, last night we had Thai for dinner, but knew we needed something for lunch today.  So when a "only had two hours of sleep" Kalee went upstairs to nap, G made the pasta dish again.  And this time I remembered to snap a photo of it (as I was eating it cold's delicious cold!)
It's a recipe from Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, and if you think you can't cook, or want some simple, delicious, tastes like a restaurant food, you need to pick up this book.  So far we've made the chicken tikka masala and this dish, a tagliatelle with potatoes and brocolli in pesto.  Both delicious, and easy to tweak if you want to add more spice or such.  And while yes, cookbooks can be a pricey investment, let me share that just being able to make the chicken tikka masala saves us $13 every time we want it.  And we're making a batch of it this weekend that for the 2 of us will last 4-6 meals (we're also making the saag paneer to go with, a recipe I found online).  A normal order from the restaurant lasts us 2 meals if we each get something different and share.  So if you're looking for a good cookbook with some mildly fancy pants food as well as hearty homecooked food (like shepherds pie), then I highly recommend this book.


  1. I love leftovers and have started planning meals around that. It saves so much money and time being able to have something so delicious twice. It has really helped in the not eating out so often goal and I do find that cookbooks are a great investment as you said. This looks yummy!

  2. Bravo for G! Can I come over for dinner too? :)
