Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Near Bursting

It has been a long year.  Finding out we were headed to the northeast.  Family issues.  Marriage is a pain in the ass issues.  Falling in love all over again.  And my heart is near bursting.  I once again feel like I'm standing on a precipice, with the air whipping the smell of life all around me.  I'm reaching out, trying to make friends in this place.  I'm crazy about my husband.  I'm finally getting to put a home together rather than just a place to live.  And to top it all off I spend most days curled up in bed with my 2 dogs fighting over who gets to provide me with the most body heat.  I'm grateful to the both of them.  :)

My heart is near bursting.  I'm content and yet unfilled.  I'm waiting.  Quietly listening.  I know God has huge things coming up for my and my little family.  I know because slowly He's been preparing my heart, changing the infrastructure of my mindset.  My heart has been made larger than I ever imagined.  I hurt for others in a way I don't wish would go away.  I'm glad that I no longer look the other way when I am called to help.  

Like a wise man in the night I am following a star, searching for where it might lead.  I'm learning to quiet my soul.  Because a silent night is a glorious one indeed.


  1. What an incredible and intense feeling bursting is!


  2. Sounds like an amazingly tough yet enjoyable year.

  3. I love your last comment. I have actually copied it out and have it next to my bed as a remind to both slow down and the promises life can lead us to.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New (less tumultuous??) year ahead.

