Monday, March 22, 2010

Some Days Are Just Beautiful

Some days are just beautiful.  Today was one of those days.  We slept in past noon, after watching a comedy last night and laughing so much my sides hurt.  Then we headed to an evening mass at a new church.  We debated world topics the entire drive there, then sat down only to have one of those topics (gay marriage) brought up by the priest.  The church was packed, surprising when there are 6 masses each weekend (not including the Spanish one).  Then afterwards G whisked me off to coffee to discuss.  Do we like it?  Why the hell don't they have wine?  (neither did the last parish, is there something up with this state?)  What activities should be penciled in?  
I tried to draw on G's face a moo-stache, but he was having none of that and blocked me with a spoon.  I had to snap a pic of that.  Good times talking with one of our favorite waitresses, discussing BBQ, bigoted people's views on race, and pouring water on rude people's laps (desirable, but a good way to get fired).  She's offered to teach me how to French braid my hair and I am so taking her up on that!  
Then home, where we put on Ever After and cleaned the kitchen, with G attacking our splattered stovetop while I got prune-like fingers while scrubbing dishes.  We laughed, chit chatted, hopeful for this future we are planning stealthily.  The word of the day was hope.  The sun has lightened our moods, we both are working so hard to just make this not only work, but succeed our expectations.  So we explode like fireworks with enthusiasm, falling in love with each other all over again.  

(G woke up just a second ago and told me he loves me more than all the stars in the sky, goats in Italy, and sheep in England.  Which is a lot.)

I've started a project that G knows nothing about.  One that I hope doesn't end in vain.  If this all works out, it will be my gift to him, a testament that what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.  I feel a fire in the pit of my belly, am finding a strength I never knew I had.  And it feels better than anything else I've ever experienced.  


  1. So happy to hear all of it!

    And I LOVE "Ever After"!

  2. Sometimes we need a stranger to tell us when a thing won't work... I so believe in marriage, but trust me, this sounds so wrong, a struggle, make-do.

    This is sooo much deeper than dislking him once a month, you are just wrong.
